Translation: "Strength lies not only in defense, but in the attack."
Foxxy Cleosmashya, #007
A.K.A. Pickles McDougan
Favorite quote: "I'm a whole lotta woman! SHAZAM!"
Dirty Whats-er-Face, #69
A.K.A. Dirty D
Hobbies: DJ by night and derby for life!
Final words to enemies: I'm going to make you dance all night before I paint your face to the wall biatch!
Pamdemic, #911
A.K.A. Pamela Ruby
"Coming at cha like an epidemic!
I'll spread your jammers all over the track like jelly on toast!
Try to get past me and see what happens!"
Truly Malicious
Sweet and innocent. Ya right! She's that pretty butterfly on the wall that no suspects to be deadly. She desires to cause harm to the enemy. Also a Taurus she's calm, strong, and sturdy like the bull, but holds the power to charge you in a second. So watch your ass if your the rival, and cheer her on if you're not. You don't want to be on her bad side.
"Watch out for the quiet ones, you won't even see me coming.
Name: Indiana BonesCrusher #3.14
Birthday: December 23
Favorite Quote: “Where there is a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence”Ghandi
Birthday: December 23
Favorite Quote: “Where there is a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence”Ghandi